Saturday, June 30, 2012

Hey...where ya going?

Meljen's Designs is having a fun challenge this week...bookmarks. I am an avid reader so this seemed like the perfect opportunity to use one of my favourite Meljen digis, Kitty Butts. Anyone out there who has cats knows this view. My cats think this is their best side and show it to me all the time!

I coloured the image using my Prismacolor pencils but didn't use OMS because I wanted the colouring to be choppy to look like hair/fur. I rounded the upper corners and mounted the image on black cardstock. That layer was mounted on a yellow checked paper from my scrapbox and then on another layer of black. A grommet was added to the top of the bookmark and ribbon/fibres threaded through.

The sentiments were computer generated. I imagined the book saying these things to me as I was putting it down to play with paper. Seriously, I have the strangest imagination :) The double scallop at the bottom was cut with an MFT die. A black satin ribbon covered the seam and then blingy stars were added.

This bookmark will make me smile when I insert it into the book and again when I open it next time. Gotta love that!

I'm off now to enter it into the Meljen's Designs Challenge.
Thanks for visiting. Tomorrow is Canada Day and my husband's birthday. Double yay!

Life is good; so is art.


  1. Nothing says CUTE like a pair of cat butts!

  2. This is so cute & funny all at the same time. Great job! Hope you had a Happy Canada Day & wish your hubby a Happy Birthday for me! Thanks for joining our challenge this week at Meljen's Designs.


Thank you so much for taking the time to add a comment. I love reading them!