Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A message from Miss Mouse

Hey, I had time for a just-for-fun project today so I decided to make an atc since that's the current theme at Meljen's DT and Challenges blog. I haven't made that many atcs lately and I had forgotten how fun they are. This is a good thing because I have a bunch to do for a swap I'm in.

For this atc, I started with Meljen's Designs Hickory Dickory Mouse digi printed on white cardstock. I coloured Miss Mouse and her clock with my Prismacolor pencils and used a little OMS to blend. Some tiny black flat back pearls decorated the clock face and added a bit of dimension. The edges of the image piece were inked.  It was then mounted on dark brown cardstock and layered with foam tape.. I reused some packaging from some stickers I had purchased to make the foundation of this card. Some of that packaging is so darn cute and just the right weight, too.A little inking around the edges, a sticker,  and I called this atc done!

Not only did I get to colour a sweet image but creating this atc has put me in the mood to do more which is exactly what I hoped would happen. It's like that chip commercial...bet you can't eat (make) just one :)

Thanks for visiting today. I hope you find time in your day to just play and like Miss Mouse says,  "Relax". I'm off to link up to Meljen's challenge blog.

Life is good; so is art.


  1. oh this is just brilliant Hun just adore this too bits,super image and detail hugs Cherylxxx

  2. Super cute ATC, Bonnie! So glad you joined us at Meljen's Designs for this challenge!

    ~ Di
    Senior DT Member & Blog Writer

  3. That mouse is super cute. I love re-cycling packaging too but it doesn't stop me from buying more paper.


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