Wednesday, July 04, 2012

AWNB's Cosmo's Dream

For this Fortnight's challenge at Art With No Boundaries, the CS Designs DT was able to work with the lovely Cosmo digital image. I am crazy about this image. Her eyes are so expressive and her hair is a treat to colour. Plus I am a star collector. Thank you, Chris! Our new challenge themes are Anything Goes and Summer Skies (bonus round).

For this project, I started with a 12 inch round canvas which I painted and then sponged with two colours of acrylic paint. The moon rays were spritzed with glittery gold ink through a stencil to lightly suggest the glow. More of the same mist was spritzed over the rest of the canvas. The moon was sponged with two colours of acrylic over a circle of watercolour paper. The edges were inked to show the roundness. Cheesecloth was roughly cut, spray inked and dabbed with glitter glue here and there to create clouds across and behind the moon. The stars are bling glued over smears of glitter glue to create a halo effect.

Cosmo was coloured with Prismacolor pencils using OMS to blend. The stars were watercoloured with mica paint. I added some tiny bling to her eyes because the moon is creating quite the shine. Whenever I create a piece like this, I imagine who the character is and the story surrounding her. I chose this quote by Kit Williams from one of his children's books. As soon as I read it, I knew it was describing my vision of Cosmo with her pale and beautiful face and the tresses of her hair reaching out to make the constellations. I coloured her hair with extra strong highlights to make her seem as if she was glowing. She must be some kind of goddess watching over the night sky. The quote was printed on old fragile book paper and then singed around the edges (from the heat of the sun). Both the moon and the quote are popped up on dimensionals to create depth.

Finally, I added Scrabble tiles to spell out the word dream. She certainly looks dreamy or maybe she is just part of my dream. Either way, she's mesmerizing.

Thanks for visiting Cosmo and me. I hope you will play in our Art With No Boundaries challenge. I really look forward to checking out your creations and visiting your blogs. Check out the amazing designs by the rest of the DT and be sure to welcome our newest DT member, Beverly Gotthardt.

Life is good; so is art.



  1. Your muse must be working overtime. This one is just as fantabulous as the last one. So beautiful!

  2. Thanks so much for the warm welcome. Your canvas and the quote are a perfect match. All the details are so creative.

  3. The quote is perfect and the colouring is wonderful-love how you coloured her hair!

  4. Gorgeous creation, Bonnie! Greetings from a fellow Canadian!

  5. She is gorgeous...wonderful coloration there! I love the round shape as well!!!

  6. This is gorgeous! I LOVE the cheesecloth clouds. The scrabble tiles are perfect. She is fun to color (I think it's great that we both ended up with basically the same colors on her hair)! It's all just wonderful!

  7. Stunning canvas you've made, the marbles are a great idea and the cheese cloth as clouds are perfect! Love your coloring of her hair! =)
    Hugs, Elenor

  8. Another stunning piece. I love the round canvas,the way you have coloured Cosmo, the poem. ALL OF IT!!! I also enjoy reading how you did it.


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