Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Teeny weenie iris folding

I have never done iris folding on this small of a scale before so I was most interested to see if I could manage it. With a few adjustments it was as easy as larger iris fold designs I have made. I started by stamping this iris fold design, QIR075, from Stamp N Plus Scrap N twice on white cardstock. I stamped once for the entire design and once for the center circle which gave me the lines to follow.

After cutting out the center section, I coloured the entire design with Prismacolor pencils. I redotted the large dots with black acrylic paint and the smaller dots with Micron pen and set the piece aside to dry. In the meantime, I cut the center circle out from the second stamping, cutting outside of the lines to make the piece larger than the circle. When the coloured image was dry, I taped that piece face down over the circle section so that the lines showed through to the back of the main piece through the hole I had cut out. In other words, I had the right sdie of the center circle piece taped against the right side of the main image so that the lines showed through the hole.

Normally, I use folded pieces of thin paper for my layered strips. Because the opening was so small and the layered strips so thin, I chose to use unfolded 1/4" strips which I inked on one long edge. That served two purposes: the inking better shows the layers and the white edge of the paper was now black so it didn't look unfinished. Instead of using double sided or scotch tape for adhering each strip around the circle, I usedQuick-Dry glue just on either end, again reducing the bulk considerably. Then I just followed the lines round and round. It was completed in no time and I love how intricate the pattern looks.

I cut out the stamped and coloured design and adhered it to the turquoise rectangle made from the same paper as the iris folds. Then I just continued to layer up cardstock alternating colours and inking the edges with Distress Ink. Two little flat pearls anchor the lines from the design that extend beyond the coloured sections The sentiment was computer generated, cut out using an oval template. inked, matted, and dotted with more black paint.

I really kept the card design very clean and simple in order to let the colour palette and the strong and intricate pattern take center stage. It reminds me of a Navajo rug with the rich colours, graphic design, and punch of black. If you haven't tried iris folding yet, I urge you to give it a go. It's easy and pleasey...oh, you know what I mean :)

Thanks for visiting today. Happy chocolate!

Life is good; so is art.


  1. LOVE it! Iris folding is so beautiful and this pattern and the teeny tiny size look amazing Bonnie. Fantastic job! Hugs!

  2. You learn something everyday...never heard of this fold before! Gorgeous card though. And, I have kits now on my blog if you are interested.


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