Thursday, March 07, 2013

eP March Get Altered Challenge

Oh my word, it's another long-winded post. What is she trying to do??

It's the first Thursday of the month so that means that it's time for a brand new Get Altered challenge at eclectic Paperie, a chance to try new things and play with techniques and product. This time it's  Micki's turn to host and  her challenge is to include recycled fabric in your project. With so many possible ways to include fabric, it took me a while to whittle down the ideas to just one...or two. I had to raid my fabric stash to see what I could repurpose and experiment with.

I started with a flat 9 x 12" canvas to which I adhered a chunk of very rough woven fabric from an old stool. Decou-page  (Deco Art's equivalent of Mod Podge) did the trick adhering and sealing it at the same time. Three colours of acrylic paint (blue-green, aquamarine, and Ultramarine blue) plus white gesso were brushed across the fabric or spread with my finger. I was not looking for even coverage, just colour to show off the fabric's texture. At this stage, it looked pretty nasty.

Next came the stencils which had various mixes of the four colours sponged over them to create random texture. Punchinella and fruit netting were also sponged over. The idea was to lighten up the background while adding interest. A little copper dabber was added in a few places...just 'cuz. Black and white gesso were watered down and straight lines were made with an old gift card. Bottle lids were also dipped into the watery gesso to make various sizes of circles. Black gesso was used to stamp the Tim Holtz Love Struck heart.

To continue the lightening process, Wendy Vecchi white embossing paste was spread over the drywall tape clouds and through the Dylusions Diamond of a Border stencil to make them stand out. Vintage white reinforcements were adhered to the edges in three groups. A length of Glimmer Misted cheesecloth (more fabric) was rolled and glued close to the bottom of the page. Now it was starting to perk up!

I wanted to include three of the Maya Road chipboard houses which I've had forever. I covered the first and third house with papers from the Authentique Renew 8 x 8 pad. The middle one was sprayed with Dylusions Black Marble ink.  The first house was given a roof of the embroidered edge from the vintage handkerchief used elsewhere. A little stencilling with a Scattered Straw Distress marker, doodling, and stamping with Vintage Photo DI helped blend the too tidy house in with the messy background. The Dylusions zigzag border and a Wendy Vecchi sentiment were added. A small piece of the ribbon roof from house #3 was stapled on to create continuity and an "inspire" charm was added as gingerbread trim..

House #2 had a much simpler background. White gesso was spread with my finger over punchinella. The roof was a piece of the dotty paper present on the other two houses. Wendy Vecchi's  Queen of Art was stamped onto a vintage handkerchief using archival ink. Once heat set, Fresco paints and Distress markers were used to colourize the face before it was fussy cut and adhered to the house. I had not painted on untreated fabric before but Leandra Franich has a wonderful You Tube video to teach the basics. Another Wendy Vecchi sentiment from the same Seriously Art set was stamped with Versamark and embossed with white before the lady was adhered...didn't want to set her on fire :)

The third house was textured with Inkadinkado's script stamp, Dylusions zigzag stamp, and the same TH heart stamp inked with Scattered Straw Distress marker and spritzed with water. Doodling, a ribbon roof, a gear, and more of the embroidered border were added to House #3.

Once the houses were placed on the canvas, they seemed to get a little lost so a chunk of vintage twill tape was adhered above the cheesecloth to ground the houses (no pun intended) and on the top right of the canvas. The zigzag stamp was again put to use to add some pattern. The key was sewn to the tape with embroidery floss. Idea-ology Alpha Parts (Ransom) were used to spell the word play (because that's what art is for me) on the top tape length which also repeats the staples from House #1.

The last few steps were to create the sun from a button and a WV art part which was sprayed with Dylusions and then faux stitched; to sponge black gesso around the outside edges to create a frame and a place for the eye to stop: and to adhere Idea-ology pen nibs as house chimneys.

I thoroughly enjoyed this Get Altered challenge. It definitely stretched me to use fabric in ways I hadn't tried and to adapt techniques to accommodate the rough texture of the weave. I learned a lot and had fun doing it. Pop over to the eclectic Paperie blog to see what Micki has created and you'll find creations by the DT in the links below the challenge post. I hope you'll join us. I'm looking forward to seeing what creative ideas you come up with. That's how I get inspired to try new things :)

Thanks for hanging out with me today and for reading this super long post. If I could I'd share chocolate with you so you could regain your're probably exhausted. If you're curious about some of the products I used, click on the thumbnails below and you will magically be transported to the eP store.

Life is good; so is art.


  1. So many steps and products and techniques here. But the end result is a fantasy neighborhood where fun and whimsy abound. My favorite parts are the chimneys. I love how your mind works.

  2. Bonnie - this is just amazing! Wow, I love every little bit! The face on the fabric is perfect, I love the little houses and all of the details on the canvas. Great stuff!

  3. Hi Bonnie, I enjoyed reading every word and lingering over the pictures - this is an amazing piece of art. Love the techniques you have used, the face is one of my favourite stamps of all time and I love how you made her look so beautiful. This really is a wonderful piece! Hugs, Anne x

  4. Wow Bonnie - this is both so intriguing and beautiful. Fantastic techniques brilliantly integrated. Bravo! Nicola x

  5. Oh my gosh, Bonnie! I am supremely impressed! The way you created each house is amazing!

  6. So cool, Bonnie - wonderful to watch those layers building up, and I love your three completely different houses!
    Alison x

  7. Ohhhh I love it Bonnie. Love that you repurposed fabric from an old stool. It adds such nice texture. Love your color combo and I had to chuckle when I read how you use your fingers too. I LOVE using my fingers. Love your canvas and all those layers.

  8. Wish I could come sit at your craft table and learn. Amazing mix of layers and elements. Hugs!

  9. Looooovvvvveeeeedddddd this. Thanks for sharing your how to's and color choices. The great thing about this piece to me is how much there is going on even though the piece is not huge. Great!!

  10. Holly Smolly did you hear my jaw hit the floor...this is fantastic some many techniques, colors, ideas, I just keep looking at it in awe!!!

  11. Stunning Bonnie . . .loooved the step by step and layer by layer . . . aaaahhh a lady after my own heart . . inky painty splodgy fingers!!
    oops did I tell you how much I adore the chimneys..swooon.

  12. You MUST get a follow by email button! I'm late PINNING this beauty of a canvas! I love every millimeter of it! The background with all those stamps, and then those Maya Road houses...all spectacular! What a piece for the wall! LOVE THIS!!!!

  13. OMG, how great is this piece!? I love it. Such detail and layering. Must have taken forever. (I'm still working on mine!) Great job!!


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