Saturday, April 27, 2013

Eclectic Ellapu ~ Home tag

Anyone who knows me also knows that I have a great love of houses, real or imagined, flat or 3-D. When I saw that the theme for this week's Purple challenge at Eclectic Ellapu was Anything Goes, it was a no-brainer for me to decide what to feature on a tag.

The background paper stated life as a Mixed Media page from a Strathmore pad. I often keep this pad beside my work space so that if I have left-over paint or ink mop-ups from stencils, I can add it to the pad. When I have created something I can work with, I rip out the page and use it on a project. This particular tag had a painted background with black ink (maybe Distress or Dylusions) cleaned off from stencils. I know for sure that the TCW fence stencil is here as well as the TCW mini punchinella stencil done with white gesso. The tag size I cut is a #8.

The house was traced from a Maya Road chipboard house onto paper from DCWV Collage Musings stack. The roof rulers, front door, and butterflies were pulled from Idea-ology Crowded Attic Salvage stickers. Creamy white trim was adhered where the roof met the house and the letters spelling home, also stickers, were adhered over the door. The house was then glued to the background with the right edge of the roof hanging off the tag.

The black zigzag was the offcut from another border piece cut with an MFT die. Small turquoise buttons were threaded and adhered at the bottom of the Vs. Three pieces of washi tape were glued to the upper left side of the tag and doodling was done with a Micron pen. To complete the tag, a hole was punched in the top and 3 lengths of crinkled seam binding were worked through it and tied with cream embroidery floss.

Just a simple little tag but it makes me happy. I love the colour palette, the little house, tiny butttons, rulers, and polka dots. Whimsy always makes me smile...hope it did the same for you. Thanks for visiting today. Be sure to check out the awesome makes from the rest of the Eclectic Ellapu Purple DT for this Anything Goes challenge. I'm hoping you'll play along this time since the topic is wide-open. I look forward to seeing what you create.

I am entering this tag in the following challenges:
Allsorts #204 Anything But a Card
Just Add Ink #163 Just add a fun background
Charisma Cardz Challenges #16 Polkadots (on the washi tape and background)

Life is good; so is art.


  1. Bonnie you know I love all of your work so it will come as no surprise that i love this gorgeous tag. So pleased you are an Eclectic... Hugz Elaine xxx

  2. This is a gorgeous tag, Bonnie; I share your love of houses! What a great idea, to create a background from paper that might otherwise have been discarded - it looks fantastic! Thanks for joining us at Just Add Ink this week.

  3. I'm glad you kept that page in your book cause it made a fantastic background. Wonderful tag Bonnie. I really like the way you personalized your little house. Hugs!

  4. I want to come live in your cozy little house...that lace trim just makes it so pretty and inviting.

  5. A totally delightful little tag Bonnie.

    Thanks for sharing with us at Allsorts this week.

    B x

  6. Hi Bonnie, I love the way you describe your creations, it is like going on a lovely journey. What could be nicer than a fabulous blue background, a mini house and a gorgeous butterfly - this is such a beautiful tag..... Hugs, Anne x

  7. What a fantastic tag... I love the ruler roof, and that vivid blue sky - just yummy... And Anne's right - it's a great read too!
    Alison x

  8. Hi Bonnie, this tag is just smashing! I landed on your blog via the Stampotique challenge and had a little peak; you do amazing work, what an inspirational blog. I just had to become your follower. I just started my own Mixed Media blog so I'm a newby LOL! Would sure love it if you would pop round to have a look, even though there is not that much there yet ;-) Have a great Sunday, hugs Frea

  9. This is gorgeous Bonnie, beautiful colours and details. Thank you so much for joining us at Allsorts for our Anything But A Card challenge x

  10. What a fabulous idea for your background paper. I love it. I once did a challenge with my sister to use scraps that were sitting out our desks and I did a similar thing - it was not till she received the card that we both noticed I had used a scrap the also had a coffee cup ring on it.....funny! Lovely tag with lovely colours. Chantell JAI

  11. Oh I love tags and your tag is just fabulous Bonnie! Love how you've created your background and that gorgeous blue you've used! Love the house! Thanks for joining us at Just Add Ink this week!

  12. I just love this tag. Very eclectic, don't you think. Perfect!

  13. Gorgeous tag, love your image and colours, thanks for joining us at Charisma Cardz, hugs, Sarah x

  14. What a lovely idea to repurpose your art pad. It makes a striking background for the house. Thanks for joining us at Just Add Ink.


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