Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Buried Treasure ~ a housing recap

The amazingly creative and talented Seth Apter is running his 4th annual Buried Treasure Blog Hop today. It's an online collaborative venture that invites bloggers to highlight a favourite posting or more from their personal blog. We can re-post or re-cap and Seth will list all of the blog links on the same page on his blog, The Altered Page. Then, anyone is able to discover old favourites from blogs they follow or discover new favourites and blogs they may not have visited before. Cool idea for a blog hop! I am participating, along with many of my eclectic Paperie DT mates.

I decided to post a few projects that all follow a similar theme...houses. I'll show you the photo and give you a link if you want to read more about any particular one. Be warned posts are lengthy because I always describe the steps involved and try to share tips. The first project is an altered canvas for the eP Get Altered challenge where we had to use recycled fabric. The background was from an old stool covering and the middle house was my first attempt at stamping and painting on muslin fabric. I love the texture on this piece. You can see more pics and description here.

The second house post I'm  showcasing was done as part of an altered book project for an eP challenge. You can see more photos and get the scoop here. I altered a child's board book following the theme of flight or wings. The background of this spread is covered with tissue paper and gel medium and features the little Prima houses along a corrugated cardboard road. There's tons of dimension on this spread and I used Studio 490 embossing paste for the first time. It's since become a go-to product for me.

The next project featuring houses actually involved altering small wooden houses with paper, corrugated cardboard and metal bits and bobs. They were altered for the e-Team picks challenge of using corrugated cardboard which you can find on the roof of each house. All four sides of each house were altered so there was lots of opportunity to add stencilling and lovely embellies on all that real estate (pun intended).

The last house related post I am featuring was a tag done for another DT I am on called Eclectic Ellapu. The background started life as a mop up page from a pad of Strathmore Mixed Media paper which I use to clean off stencils, ink, and paint brushes. Stencilling and washi tape were added before the house was constructed from scraps and some Idea-ology stickers. I love the colours on this one and the roof, door, and eaves. It, like all of the other houses, makes me happy.

I don't know what it is about houses but obviously, they appeal to me. Thanks for hopping by my blog today. Be sure to check out the other participants' blogs by following this link to Seth Apter's Buried Treasure blog post. And while you are there, spend some time on Seth's blog. I learn so much from him and always come away inspired. I'm off to visit Seth and the rest. Maybe I'll see you there :)

Life is good; so is art.


  1. Yes! Love each and every one of your projects (those houses were amazing!!) Love your work, Bonnie, great stuff!

  2. Yeeeah adore all your houses and in love and want to move into the wooden ones, I swooned when I saw them the first time round and still in looove with them Bonnie!!

  3. Yup, love your "house" projects. (I too love house themes) AND so LOVE LOVE LOVE your small wooden houses. They are on the top of my favorites.

  4. Whooo Weeee..those are some beautiful houses!!! I really enjoy how you altered each house into a special work of art! That's not an easy task!! Every time I look at your houses I see another detail that I missed...stunning!!

  5. Love the little houses especially the one with the turn key.
    Mostly I admire how you describe your work. I need to do more of this and you just showed me how by your great example. Thank you!

  6. Wonderful to bring these out of the archives - what a great idea of Seth's... and how happy am I to see those fabulous little houses again!!!
    Alison xx

  7. Oh yes! I love these pieces too! Your canvas and art journal pages are fabulous!!!!

  8. Bonnie, I am visiting as part of Seth’s Buried Treasure project. Enjoyed seeing your cute little houses.
    :) Chris / CS Designs


Thank you so much for taking the time to add a comment. I love reading them!