Sunday, August 18, 2013

Any old excuse ~ Eclectic Ellapu challenge

Jacki's challenge this week for the Purple Team at Eclectic Ellapu is to use playing cards in your project so, of course, I seized the opportunity to complete a few more altered playing cards for my collection. The backgrounds are done the same way as the rest with a mix of Neocolor II crayons, Inktense blocks, stencilling, stamping, gelatos,  torn paper scraps, and Stampers' Big Brush pens. Anything that will add colour is fair game on these. The images come from various collage sheets mainly from Tumble Fish Studio at Deviant Scrap. For the card above, I used a scrap of an old map behind the image of the young man which I placed in the thimble. I saw the thimble as the basket of a hot air balloon so I added twine to reflect that. The computer generated sentiment also gives a nod to his travels and the background reminds me of the ground viewed from the sky.

The second card is a mix of three images (cup, head, body) with a hand-cut hat added for fun. She looks so serious that the contrast of the silly hat and her expression makes me laugh. I think she is floating down a river, although from what or to what I'll leave to your imagination.

The third card in this series started with a frisket covered circle before the colour was applied to the playing card. This left that part uncoloured once the frisket was rubbed off. The images of the man, moon, and hat are all from different collage collections. The musical notes and the ruler are both washi tape. The moon's crown has flat black pearls on the points All cards are edged with black Big Brush pen and a few have some Distress ink used on the edges as well. They are very random in construction and often not done all in one sitting which makes them great fun to watch as they evolve.

Thanks for joining me again today. I hope you aren't tired of these yet. I know I'm not. If you get a chance, do pop over to the Eclectic Ellapu blog to see the inspirational creations from the rest of the Purple Team. They are a creative bunch. As for me, I am on round 2 of antibiotics. Hopefully, this time will do the trick. It's putting me behind on important things like visiting your blogs :)

Life is good; so is art.


  1. Bonnie, these are great hun, hoping to get in the challenge, have it in my diary...hope your antibiotics help you, xxx

  2. Wow - these are fantastic Bonnie. Superb range of inking looks wonderful. Nicola x

  3. I absolutely love what you have done with these... your art makes me smile! It would be a delight to be a fly on the wall of your studio, watching you work and how you think thru the process (although you do a wonderful job of giving us details of what actually ended up on your canvas in your blog. Thank you for that!) ~ginny

  4. Lovin' your whole series of playing card ATCs and traveling on this adventure with you whether it's in a thimble or a tea cup---it's an exciting journal and YOU are creating amazing things!

  5. These are really pretty cool Bonnie! The first thought I had with the first creation was "Do you really want to know the answers?" The thought on the second make while she wet her pants" and the third one -"aw shucks, that's what all the guys tell me" --- Okay so I am a little warped!

  6. You rock the most amazing ATC's!!! Fabulous and inventive designs! I love each how your mind works!

  7. The little sayings you put on these cards make them ten times more interesting. you always come up with something that fits the image but is not your everyday thought. I'm going to have to plead a bit of ignorance and have you let me know what frisket is. :-) Hugs!

    1. Tracy, I didn't know what it was until recently either. It's a liquid masking fluid. You paint it on the surface with a brush and let it dry. Then you can make messy over it and it will keep the spot clean. It peels off at the end. It's expensive but goes a long way. I only use it sparingly when I'm using a liquid layer that would seep under a paper mask.
      Hugs to you,

  8. Three of my all-time favourites from your amazing playing cards, Bonnie. I LOVE the sentiments on all three, and that fab thimble balloon basket and tea-cup boat... quirky and oh-so-brilliant!
    Alison x


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