Saturday, September 07, 2013

Good Morning, Miss Mouse ~ ATCs With Attitude Challenge #

Is it seriously September already? Hard to believe that the summer has come and gone. With a new fortnight, comes a new challenge at ATCs With Attitude. Our theme this time is "It's Off To School We Go" as a tribute to all those, big and small, who have just begun another school year. I was delighted to be able to play with another wonderful and quirky QKR Stampede image, Mouse Teacher. She cracks me up with the pencil behind her ear and that oh so patient (or is that zoned out) look on her face ( Beuhler...Beuhler...).

I coloured the image with Prismacolor pencils and then fussy cut around Miss Mouse and her blackboard. She was then adhered to a piece of green checked paper from DCWV's The High School Matstack. That paper reminds me of the old green alphabet cards that hung in every classroom back in the day.

The background abc paper is a scrap from Graphic 45's ABC Primer collection. Both the green and the abc paper were matted on black cardstock for contrast. Small school realted stickers were also matted in black before being glued to the bottom left corner. Black chipboard glasses from Retro Art CAfe were adhered to the top right corner and filled with Glossy Accents to replicate Miss Mouse's specs. Three tiny black half pearls were placed in the center of the stars on the background paper ...just 'cuz.

If you get a chance, check out the other Off to School ATCs from the rest of my ATCs With Attitude team mates. I'd love it if you joined us for this ATC challenge. The more the merrier and I always love to see what you have created.

There's been lots of excitement and a flurry of decisions being made surrounding ATCs With Attitude this past week. We have decided to change our format for the challenges at ATCs With Attitude to include all types of paper crafting. We want to increase the number of participants in the challenges and also take the opportunity to capitalize on all of that talent out in blogland. With a broader audience from all types of paper crafting, we will get to see so many types of wonderful designs that we missed out on when we were only an atc blog. The other exciting piece for me is the opportunity to co-own this new blog with Abbie. With a new format, comes a new name Craftitude: Paper Crafting With Attitude. Hope fun is that name! Love it. Anyway, stay tuned for more news on the Craftitude front. I hope you'll join us at the new blogsite on September 20.

Thanks for joining Miss Mouse and me today. Class dismissed :)

Life is good; so is art.


  1. Bonnie, this is brilliant, I do love QKR images they are totally cool, xxx

  2. Oh wow! Congrats on the blog ownership. How exciting. Your project is so much fun. I remember those green alphabet cards. :-) Hugs!

  3. Oh, she is brilliant, Bonnie, as is the news about Craftitude - what a fantastic new adventure... I'll certainly be watching this space for more news.
    Completely love your page over at eP too...
    Alison x


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