Friday, September 19, 2014

Zephyr McBroom ~ Rick St. Dennis with Kit and Clowder

This has been an eventful couple of weeks at Rick St Dennis' blogs and FB group. Here comes the third piece of big news we have to share with you all.

The first being the mini roll-out of new images, the second was a massive 30 new image roll-out - both with some fun and games going on in our Facebook group.

Now we have  Rick St Dennis and Kit and Clowder teaming up this week for a special promotion.
A give-away and colouring challenge that will take place over on Kit and Clowder's Facebook group and on the Rick St. Dennis Digi Fans & Friends group.
So, as you might imagine, Facebook is the place to be this week.
What do you have to do to get in on the action?
Well, firstly, you have to be a member of the Kit and Clowder group to be able to get this image for free - for a limited period only - Monday to be precise. That's 3 days. Then she will be available to buy in the shops. (links will be available when she makes an appearance there)
All that is being asked is that you submit your (watermarked) coloured version into the challenge folder that will be set up in Kit and Clowder. Don't forget to share over at the Rick St Dennis group as well.
There will be a discount code announced to go spending in the store. You're already a winner just by finding this.
Then, as an added bonus, there will be a selection made for the bigger prizes - Mr Random will pick one winner to win a choice of THREE digis, Rick himself will pick another winner - again with a prize of THREE digis  - then on top of this there will be three random picked to win 1 digi.
Remember - we will be picking based on originality and creativity and not skill level - never feel like you aren't good enough to play along!
Want to win some more???
Comment on what image(s) you would get using the discount code and a random winner from the comments will be picked to get a further TWO digis! 
WOW - did you get all that? - so many chances to win!!

Meet Zephyr McBroom who I coloured with Prismacolor pencils, fussy cut and matted before popping her up on foam tape.

I featured her on a card with spider paper and a big glittery friend in the upper left corner. She is so much braver than I am. I do a spider check of the bedroom walls, ceiling, and floor before I go to bed every night. Hard to sleep with one eye open otherwise.

To see the other versions of Zephyr by the EDT,  pop over to the Sparkle and Glitter blog. You also have to check out Alyce's amazing rendition on her FB page. I am excited to see what the challenge participants do with seeing how everyone puts  his/her own spin on this fabulous image.

Life is good; so is art.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to add a comment. I love reading them!