Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Joggles Art Journal Adventure Week #7

Hello everyone. Yesterday I played along with Week #7 of  Barb's 2016 Art Journal Adventure on the Joggles blog. I'm still a week behind and still enjoying the process and Barb's prompts. There is no pressure to catch up so I don't mind being behind. Week #7 was all about adding a painted background using Liquitex paint and a baby white, as well as altering a magazine image Teesha Moore style. That's something I have wanted to do as I am a huge Teesha Moore fan.

Like Barb, I applied two colours of Liquitex Basics paint with a baby wipe, only I scraped gesso on my page first with a palette knife. The two colours I used were Bright Aqua Green and Cerulean Blue Hue. I used the same painty baby wipe to add the same pint through DCWV's Hip Patterns Template in several places. Once dry, I applied Forget-Me-Not Archival Ink to the Joggles Background Noise Sparks stamp here and there. Viridian Green Archival Ink was applied to the background with a TH splatter stamp for more pattern. A border was cut from black & white striped designer paper and from black cardstock. They were adhered with 1/2 inch Scor Tape and doodled on with a White Signo Gel pen.

The focal image started as a very lovely model's photo cut from a fashion magazine. Of course, she could not stay that way and follow Teesha Moore's or Barb's style so she was altered with other bits cut out from magazine photos. A flower became her skirt, a watch her belt, new glasses and new eyes, and a crazy hat with antennae plus a text paper heart were all adhered over the original photo. Doodling with a white paint pen, a white gel pen, and a black pen completed the transformation. I don't think her own mother would recognize her but I love her! To complete the page, a simple pen line border was added inside the wider paper one. Black punched circles, similar to the ones Barb added to her spread, and Idea-ology's Big Chat Stickers tied everything together and filled in the gaps.

Thanks for popping by today. I am delighted you did. Be sure to pop by the Joggles blog to see what inspired this project and also to see what Barb came up with for Week #8. I'm always excited to see her newest prompt and to play along. We would love to have you join us on the Art Journal Adventure Facebook group where we are sharing our projects and our friendship as we journal along.

Life is good; so is art.

1 comment:

  1. So very cool Bonnie! I started getting your feed again today...lol. Darn feedburner. Sorry it's been so long.


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