Sunday, August 14, 2016

Joggles Art Journal Adventure Week #31 Response ~ Colour

Hi everyone. The prompt for Week #31 of the Art Journal Adventure over on the Joggles blog was different from what we usually do. It was an exploration of the colour wheel and combining and mixing colours. Barb was playing with Dylusions paints but since I don't have the last two releases of those, I decided to use Neocolor II crayons. I was curious to see what would happen when I combined two colours and wanted to make my wheel and reminders with them as well. because I didn't want a plain background, I spritzed the page with Creme Brulee Cream Lindy's Starburst spray and let it dry.

I punched 16 flowers from white cardstock and used 6 of them for the cool colours, 6 for the warm colours, and 4 for neutrals. The colour was scribbled onto the punched flowers and then activated with a water brush. Once dry, black punched circles were adhered for the flower centers. Black lines were added to each petal to add interest. Three green leaves were hand cut from some mop up paper and then labelled Primary to indicate the three primary colours. Lines were dashed with a black pen to show an example of a complementary colour scheme, a split complementary one, and an analogous scheme. Computer generated labels were matted with black cardstock and added to the connecting lines.

Inside the colour wheel, I wanted to show the difference between a hue which is pure colour,  a tint which is achieved by adding white to a hue, a tone which you achieve by adding gray to the hue, and a shade which you get when you add black to the hue. I chose to feature raindrops (or paint drops) and ladybugs to continue with my garden theme. Labels like the others were added for each example.

The neutral flowers were adhered to the left side of the page and labelled. The title for the page, Colour, was created with Idea-ology Ransom Alpha Parts. I wanted some kind of border to help frame the page so I decided to use very thin black and white washi tape. I adhered a strip to both the top and the bottom, leaving the sides free. I auditioned tape on the sides but preferred it without.

Thanks for joining me today. I appreciate that so much! If you haven't already been following along with the Joggles Art Journal Adventure and Barb's weekly Monday prompts, it's not too late. You can join in at any point and we'd love to have you join our amazing AJA Facebook group as well. It's a wonderful group filled with creative, friendly, and supportive people who share the same enthusiasm for this fun adventure.

Life is good; so is art.

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