Monday, September 12, 2016

Yippee! Guesting for Joggles Art Journal Adventure - Week 37

Woop! Woop! I have the privilege of hosting this week's Joggles Art Journal Adventure this week for Barb. I am so excited, a little nervous (big shoes to fill!), and I can't wait to see what people create in response. The theme I have chosen is to create texture on an art journal background using crumpled tissue paper. I am a huge fan of texture and usually combine several types which I did today. This is only a Sneak Peek. To see the entire project, pop over to the Joggles blog and check it out. I would love it if you played along (psst...don't leave me hanging...LOL)
Hope to see you there!

Life is good; so is art...and texture :)

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