Friday, April 28, 2017

Fierce and Unstoppable ~ Joggles DT Post Sneak Peek

Hi everyone. I am kicking off the Friday DT schedule over on the Joggles blog today. I share that honour with four other talented artists (Teresa Morgan, Kim Schofield, Leigh Snaith-Brunton, Diana Trout) who will take their turns every Friday to share what they've been up to. This week I played with Joggles/ Margaret Applin Designs 6 x 9 inch Fearless Face Stencil System. I loved the first release with all of the expressions, face shapes, hair styles, and glasses but now that Margaret has added arms, shoulders, hands, headpieces and more, I am over the moon crazy about the possibilities. Faces are my favourite things to colour and when I can create a whole persona and then colour it...and then create an art journal page with it...well, happy dance!

Anyway, this is just a sneak peek. The full tutorial with step out photos, explanation, and supply list is over on the Joggles blog. I hope you will check it out :)

Life is good; so is art.

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