Monday, March 19, 2018

Joggles Art Journal Adventure - Week 12 Prompt (Definition)

Hi everyone! I've been MIA for a while as I had some surgery almost 2 weeks ago and it kicked my butt. This is the first I have felt like creating...was a little worried that the surgeon removed my mojo along with other things but apparently not :) Phew! It's my turn to choose the prompt for Joggles Art Journal Adventure Week 12 and the prompt that I have chosen is to include a word and its dictionary definition as part of your page. I chose the word Collage cutting the appropriate section out of an old dictionary I use for that purpose. Of course, I also built a collage as an example of the definition and had a blast using bits and pieces from my desk top.

The substrate is a 6 x 5.5 inch piece of heavy kraft paper which I punched to fit in my disc bound journal. I also used a torn section from some paper I coloured when I was playing the other day. I was curious to see what would happen if I used the wrinkle free technique with spray inks. I spritzed my craft sheet with Van Dyke Sepia and Buccaneer Bay Blue Lindy's Moon Shadow Mist, Ocean Heidi Swapp Color Shine, and a little water. I then dipped white cardstock into the puddles, repeating until I liked what I had. Oh my word, what an awesome combination...I got a bunch of sheets to use for future projects and each one is unique. One of these sheets was torn to fit inside the kraft base, leaving room on all 4 sides. I dry fit it onto the page and adhered a scrap of music paper, of French dictionary paper, and two scraps of gel printed black cardstock around the edges of the page to serve as a kinda-sorta frame.

The torn inky paper was edged with Coffee Archival Ink and then stencilled using the same ink through MFT Diagonal Bars Mix-Able Stencil. Joggles/Margaret Applin Designs Vintage Correspondence Stamp was applied imperfectly to various places on the background using French Ultramarine Archival Ink. before adhering the background to the kraft paper, I layered some vintage ledger paper over a part of a doily and stitched through the three layers with my sewing machine. You can barely see the stitching because I covered it but it's visible IRL and it left some lovely long thread trails on both sides of the page. I had a scrap of vintage catalogue which I inked with Coffee Archival and adhered to the left side of that horizontal element.

For the focal of the page, an embossed and waxed piece of black cardstock was cut with a butterfly die. A brown photo turn and brad were used to embellish the body. It was glued only in the center to a torn scrap of corrugated cardboard which had gesso applied as a highlight. A length of fine silky cord was wound into a messy circle and adhered to the back of the cardboard/butterfly combo to create more texture and another layer. A scrap of cotton lace, and another of measuring tape twill ribbon were layered up with a scrap of the gel printed black cardstock sandwiched between. I wanted to bring the black and white through the page to tie the top and bottom together. Then the whole cluster was adhered above the ledger paper and the butterfly element was glued on top of that. The dictionary word and definition was added below the butterfly after being stacked onto inked vintage book paper, a teeny scrap of corrugated cardboard, and one of the black remnants. I love how these bits unified the page. An enamel Idea-ology plaque was adhered between the butterfly and the definition to bridge the gap between the two and add a little shine.

A very sketchy border was added to the original sprayed background using black pen. To add more interest an balance to the top right corner, a 1 x 1,75 inch tag was layered with stamping, paper scraps, and a TH rub-on before being inked around the edges. It was then attached to the page with a rusted safety pin and popped up on foam tape to keep it in place. To finish the page, the edges were inked with Coffee Archival. I love this collage page with all of its layers, texture, and chances to discover little details. I had so much fun with it.

Thanks for popping by today. I appreciate that so much. I hope you will join us on the Joggles Art Journal Adventure Facebook group if you haven't already. We have a weekly prompt but absolutely no pressure to complete each one. We just throw the ideas out there and then sit back and watch the magic of creativity as people join in while they can. It's a wonderful group...both talented and friendly.

Life is good; so is art.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are feeling better Bonnie! I missed seeing your latest creations. This one today is especially wonderful - love the prompt you chose and the resulting page! You continue to inspire me with your lush layers and palette choices. Keep on keeping on!


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