Monday, April 30, 2018

Joggles Art Journal Adventure ~ week 18 ~ the letter G

Hi everyone! This week, it's my turn again to choose the prompt for the 2018 Art Journal Adventure. For Week 18, I have chosen the theme, the letter G. I was inspired by the bits and bobs on my desk, including vintage book and music paper, from another project I was working on. I liked how they looked side by side and was inspired to create a grid background which ended up being twinchie size ( 2 x 2 inches).

I cut 3 twinchie backgrounds from French text, sheet music, and coffee dyed paper and then alternated the papers shifting them over one space with each row. Thin black washi tape with gold dots was used to divide the squares, camouflage any bad cuts, and emphasize the grid pattern. Then the fun began, as I auditioned elements for each of the squares, deciding upon colour scheme, placement, and textures. I made sure that I scattered a little bit of red in each row to create that visual triangle I love so much.

I added some Tim Holtz ephemera, some handmade elements, buttons, bits of metal, wording, and a darn good poker hand of miniature cards to fill the grid with things that make me smile. I also made sure that I added enough string details for a second visual triangle and a little extra texture as well as repetition, all of which helps the design flow and work as a cohesive whole.

This was such a fun page to complete. I love playing with tiny little pieces of art and for this page, I had 9 to fiddle with. Thanks for joining me here today. I hope you will visit the Joggles Art Journal Adventure Facebook group to see the wonderful responses our members are making to the weekly prompts. I'm excited to see where the Letter G takes everyone.

Life is good; so is art.

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