Monday, November 05, 2018

Scrappy Bookmarks

Hello...long time no post! I thought it was about time I tried to breathe some life into my abandoned blog and try to resuscitate it. I have had quite a year health-wise and because of side effects from  chemo, I had huge problems making my hands do what I asked of them. They seem to be getting better (I can actually type now) so I thought I would share one of the ongoing projects I was able to do when I couldn't do my normal art. Collage really seemed to be the answer because it's less precise than say colouring or painting, it could be done in small time segments, and I have an over-abundance of scraps which I have been hoarding (like many other people I know).

Anyway, I decided to make  2 x 6 inch bookmarks on kraft paper backgrounds. There was a lovely volunteer named Donna at Cancer Clinic and she was a wonderful ambassador for my cause which was to brighten the day of chemo and radiation patients and their families/friends in any small way I could. She passed out the bookmarks to people waiting for appointments or treatments along with a hug and some kind supportive words. It felt like a win/win for everyone: for me because I was doing something so positive, to the receivers who were going through some of the toughest times in their lives, and to Donna who was the spreader of joy. I included a message on a heart explaining the thoughts, caring, and wishes behind the bookmarks, and the hope that, like Donna and me, they would take an opportunity to "pay it forward" when they could.

The bookmarks were created from things I already had in my stash...little left-over bits of  designer paper, book text, stamped paper, and lace. Ephemera from collage sheets or from packs I already owned, old buttons, rub-ons...I used anything and everything especially if it was in my too-good-to-throw away bin or sitting in a heap on my desk. Lots of TH Small Talk and Chit Chat Stickers came into play as well as a bunch of simple black outlining. The edges front and back were inked with Coffee Archival and faux stitched with black pen to finish them off.

I probably made close to 100 over the past 5 months and found joy in both the creating and in the giving. The art kept me sane and it felt wonderful to be thinking of others instead of dwelling on what I was going through. And guess what? I made a dent in my scrap and bit boxes...although I know that it's only temporary...LOL

Life is good; so is art. (I believe this more than ever )

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