Monday, December 02, 2019

Joggles Art Journal Adventure ~ Week 48 ~ Cozy

Hi everyone! It's Week 48 of the Joggles Art Journal Adventure and our prompt for this week is cozy. Cozy can look different ways for different people, can take different forms, and have different components but I think the feeling it brings is similar across the board. I decided to construct a scene that had many of the components that evoke that cozy feeling in me. It's a place I'd like to hang out, especially as the weather gets colder and nastier outside.

The first thing I wanted was a sunny room with wide white baseboards and wood floors. I used watercolour and Neocolor II crayons to create the floor, and lined it with a black pen to create the boards. The walls were coloured by smushing Antique Linen Distress Oxide on my craft sheet, spritzing with water, and dipping the top of the page into the puddles. Painters' tape protected either the floor or the walls when I was working on the opposite area. The walls were shaded with Inktense pencils activated with water.

Next I needed a comfy chair for Parker, my gray cat, and me to curl up in. I placed it next to a bookshelf filled with lovely hardcover books. I placed a window ( a die cut) above the bookcase so I could get lots of light and see the big fat flakes outside.

Beside the chair. I have a stack of books, my reading glasses, and a steamy cup of coffee in my favourite mug. On the back of the chair is a knitted throw to keep Parker and me warm, should we need it. Behind the chair is one of my art journal pages framed and displayed to make me smile.

On the other side of the chair is a cozy knitted basket for Molly, my black and white cat, to curl up in. All of the collaged elements except the picture hanging on the wall were elements from several digital collage packs from ATArtDigital, an Etsy seller. All were fussy cut and the gray cat, throw, book stack, and basket were popped up on foam tape to add dimension to the piece. The wording came from Idea-ology Small Chat Stickers.

Thanks for joining Parker, Molly, and me in our cozy space. I can't wait to be invited into yours if you take up the Week 48 Cozy challenge.

Life is good; so is art.

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