Monday, October 14, 2019

Joggles Art Journal Adventure Week 41 ~ Tag(s)

Hi everyone! Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians! I hope you are having an awesome weekend. Today marks Week 41 of the Joggles Art Journal Adventure and the prompt this week is to include a tag (or more than one) to your project. The other day. I was sorting through my big stack of gel prints and other backgrounds and discovered a small stack of tags which had backgrounds started. I found two which had colour palettes which would work together and also were two different sizes. That inspired today's art journal page.

I knew that the larger tag was used to mop up Lindy's Starburst sprays and that the other one was colourized with either Distress Inks or Distress Oxides, although I suspect the former. I flipped through my Distress Oxide Swatches and matched the colours, then used those same colours to ink the 6x8 inch mixed media paper background which would be my substrate. Just for fun, I flicked the page with water and patted with a dry paper towel to create splotches. The edges of the background and the two tags were inked with Coffee Archival Ink.

Then I started layering and auditioning to come up with a layout which made me happy. I knew that I wanted a die cut silhouette of a flower (TH Sizzix) cut from black cardstock to be the focal on the smaller tag which was going to be staggered over the larger tag. To join the two tags, a scrap of old book paper stamped with script, and over that I layered a coffee dyed tag decorated with rub-on letters. Three different washi tapes were used to decorate the lower part of the flower stem and add a little more black to the page.

A scrap of  sheet music, and some vintage book paper were tucked behind the tags but they needed more. Torn black cardstock was layered under the music paper and next to the larger tag and a strip of yellow dotty paper was layered under that, after being inked with Coffee Archival. The other little piece of washi which I had torn to decorate the stem was adhered in such a way that it united the large tag, the black, and the dotty layers. I find this is a great way to add unity to the piece and to push the layers into the background.

To continue the layering and add more texture to the background, a clear sticker  with script was added to the bottom right corner, tucking it behind the other papers.

Rub-ons were added to the top right and bottom left corners and a simple border was doodled coming from those sketchy dots. Number rub-ons were also added to the larger tag to repeat the pattern on the tiny tag. An extra scrap of the dotty paper and the black was tucked into the space next to where the two tags meet to bring over the pattern from the other side of the tags. Another rub-on was used to fill in the top right corner as well as linking to the silhouette which could be a figure from a botanical book :)

The wording is an Idea-ology Small Talk sticker. The final addition before inking the edge with black Big Brush Pen was to add the other part of that book text scrap with the red border to the bottom right corner, again to unite the two corners and help the eye move across the page. The page was adhered to the black background common to all of the pages in this journal.

Thanks for popping by to check out my response to the Tag prompt. To see what the other fabulous participants in the Joggles Art Journal Adventure Facebook group create with this prompt, be sure to pop by the group from time to time this week. It'll be worth the click!

Life is good; so is art.

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