Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Read her her rights ~ Inspired by a Vera Lane Studio image

Hi everyone! It's Tuesday and that means it's time to share my Vera Lane Studio design team projects. The first one I have is an art journal page starring the fabulous Lippy who was released in the shop last week. She is one sassy woman with a wonderful sense of style.

Lippy was coloured with Prismacolor and Polychromos pencils and fussy cut leaving a narrow white border. She was then matted with black cardstock, and fussy cut a second time leaving a narrow black border. I generally do this because it allows me the freedom to make the background as busy as I want without worrying that she will fade into it.

The background started with a coat of white gesso over the 6x6 watercolour paper. I needed this to help the ink sprays move around easily. Carabelle Studio Cosmic Cubes Stencil was laid over the gesso and Texture paste was scraped through the openings leaving some places empty. Once dry, the page was then spritzed heavily with water and Lindy's Yellow Rose of Texas, Hottie Patottie Hot Pink, and Hag's Wart Orange were dropped here and there using the end of the pick-up tube rather than spraying. This allows greater control of where the colours go and by tipping the page you can blend and create drips. More water can be added to create a lighter area or to help the colour move. I like how the Texture Paste grabs the colour making it more intense and helping the stencilling to show more. A little stamping using Jet Black or Magenta Hue Archival Inks added text and numbers to the non-textured places.

To ground Lippy, a scrap of sprayed and painted background layered over black cardstock was adhered to the bottom of the page. Two more scraps from the same background were adhered to the right side of the page to create flow. Three black punched stars were added to pull a little more black into the page and also because Lippy is a star.

The wording was printed using different fonts, colours, and sizes to emphasize the word Fabulous. All word sections were matted with black to tie them together. A simple doodled border and edging with black Big Brush Pen were added to finish the page.

Thanks for joining Lippy and me today. We're so glad you did! If you want Lippy to star in your projects, remember to visit the Vera Lane Studio Etsy shop where she and her friends hang out. You can see other projects featuring her and other VLS images by visiting our VLS Facebook group. Don't be a stranger...LOL

Life is good; so is art.

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